Family Determinants of Health Behaviors Essay Assignment Paper

Family Determinants of Health Behaviors Essay Assignment Paper

Family Determinants of Health Behaviors Essay Assignment Paper

Guiding Family-based Obesity gives an insight on various preventive efforts especially in children from low income in United States. In this case, Marilyn Town send, Lena among other authors in their International journal of child and adolescent health have carried out a thorough research on the behaviors that we have to measure in order to cope with this obesity.

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According to this journal pediatric overweight prevention measures are highly addressed. There are various determinant and assessment methods that help an individual to avoid developing obesity. Families with young children as well as low income families in United States are advised on their mode of nutrition (Townsend & Kaiser, 2005). Moreover, in this journal a number of assessment tools have been developed. These include the following: behaviors, income status and age of the child as well as nutrition. The determinants of obesity which defines the diet, types of activities that one engages in as well as preventive measures are crucial to adhere with.Family Determinants of Health Behaviors Essay

From the research conducted others factors may also contribute to obesity. This include: the length of sleep that a child has per day, the number of hour that a child takes per day to while watching a television. It was found out that about 40% of child from low income families have a television set in their room (Albertson & Anderson, 2002). Thus, television viewing was also a major determinant. In addition, sweetened beverages such as soda and calcium or dairy behaviors, fruit and vegetables, restaurant prepared food, types of food taken during breakfast as well as degree of energy density present in the food also contribute to obesity in pre-school children. It also worthy to note the researchers focused on low income earners.

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