Exploring Cell Size  Essay Assignment paper

Exploring Cell Size  Essay Assignment paper

Exploring Cell Size  Essay Assignment paper

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Exploring Cell Size  Essay Assignment paper

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Pre-Lab Questions:

“1. Identify the major similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. “

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“2. Where is the DNA housed in a prokaryotic cell? Where is it housed in a eukaryotic cell? “

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“3. Name three structures which provide support and protection in a eukaryotic cell. “

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Experiment 1: Cell Structure and Function

Post-Lab Questions

“1. Label each of the arrows in the following slide images: “

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Onion root tip, 1000x.

“2. What is the difference between the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum? “

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“3. Would an animal cell be able to survive without a mitochondria? Why or why not? “

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“4. What is the function of a lysosome? “

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Experiment 2: Exploring Cell Size

Record the cell radius and time to center of the cell in Table 2. Then, calculate the surface area, volume, and surface area:volume ratio (equations provided below).

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