Ethical Relativism

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Ethical Relativism essay assignment

In order to post in this thread you must have read Chapter 3, as well as the Modules for Week 3 and 4. Ethical relativism states that (1) there are no universal values, and (2) each culture is morally right in its own way. It doesn’t say that each individual is right! Just that every culture sets its own values, and they have a right to do that. That means we need to step back and refrain from judging the values of another culture–but it also means we can’t criticize any culture for doing anything we disapprove of, even if it is harmful to innocent people. At first glance it sounds like a really good theory–but then we begin to detect problems. In your view, does the theory make sense? Why or why not? Consider the example in Chapter 3, with the young American missionary . Your post may be a stand-alone post, or a response to another student’s post.

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