Eternality Practicality Dilemma

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Eternality Practicality Dilemma essay assignment

A: THE PROMPT Identify and reconstruct, in your own words, Callard’s argument for the Eternality-Practicality Dilemma which she presents in The Reason To Be Angry Forever (uploaded on your course-page on iLearn), and provide a discussion and analysis of her solution (if any) to the dilemma.

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B. EXPLANATION OF THE PROMPT 1. You are to reconstruct Callard’s Eternality-Practicality Argument in a premised form (showing each premise to which she is committed and how the conclusion of the dilemma follows from these premises). (a) Use the techniques for reconstructing a deductive argument which you have learned during this course. (b) Try to reconstruct the argument in the best or strongest light. (c) If there are any ambiguities, try to resolve them. (d) Your reconstruction of Callard’s premises should be clear and concise. It should be self standing, that is, it should not leave the reader in want of further explanation. 2. Once you have reconstructed her argument for the dilemma in a premised form, you should provide a discussion and your own analysis of the solution (if any) that she offers for it. This should be about 600-700 words max.