Drug Abuse  Essay Assignment paper

Drug Abuse  Essay Assignment paper

Drug Abuse  Essay Assignment paper

The drugs were known to the humanity for thousands of years, although their use was mainly directed at decreasing the pain for the chronic patients. Nowadays drugs turned into a real threat for the mankind as an increasing number of people get addicted to them. Rug Abuse Assignment Example Essay

One of the most scaring facts is that drug consumption age barrier is constantly decreasing. In terms of society, this means that the number of young people, which start taking drugs, is on an increase while their age is sinking. The fact that most of the drugs are illegal and only some of them, which are used for medical treatment of the patients (e.g. opioids) and which are legally distributed does not prevent the spread of addiction, in general terms. Drug addiction requires regular spending on the drugs. The drug addicts often do not have the required money, but while suffering from withdrawal, they are ready to do anything to get a dose. This leads to crimes, especially robberies and thefts, attacks on other people and their property, and makes some people constantly owing money to the others. Another negative impact of drug abuse is that it may lead to prostitution as a way to earn money for drugs. This affects the society negatively, demoralizing it and leading to the overall dissatisfaction and frustrations in the communities. Rug Abuse Assignment Example Essay

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