Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability  Essay Assignment paper

Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability  Essay Assignment paper

Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability  Essay Assignment paper

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: 1) Demonstrate a contextual understanding of the knowledge and skills required to provide general care for people and their families in diverse situations and their ability to provide general care according to the NMC (2018) and European Directive 2005/36/EC. 2) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the ways of working that teams and individual colleagues employ to promote anti-discriminatory practice, the assessment and management of risk or safeguarding individuals and the public. 3) Provide evaluative evidence of the application of knowledge in an alternative field of practice. Task requirements Please develop my scenario written below in to a 2000-word reflection to support insight and demonstrate critical understanding into Mental Health Learning Disability, as required by the NMC & European Directive, Using Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model, Scenario The incidence I will be reflecting on occurred whilst I was placed in a learning disability school placement. Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability Essay. This was my first year to qualify as a student nurse and first week of working in a school. I was not very sure of the different techniques being used as I joined the team. Every day, before the children arrive about 8:15am, we had a team discussion about the plan of the day, in terms of the children’s activities, what went well, what can be improved and what could be carried forward or repeated to gain other interest from the children. We also look at the individual children’s likes and dislikes, allergies if any. It was a class of 7, with a ratio of 1 staff to 2 children and on this day, one of the children known to have a transition difficulty was in attendance. The main areas of reflection are how myself and my colleague’s used adaptation techniques and communication at eye level, using the child’s likes to support transition, compassion as well as the child’s individual needs. The plan of the day involved moving to another room for physical education as an activity. This is excitement time for most of the children to move to another room as they would run around and meet other children. But on this occasion, the excitement seem to die down as I saw one of the children instead of lining up at the door to go for physical education session, there was a cry and lying on the floor. I did not feel confident enough to deal with this situation, I had to ask another colleague what is normally done in such a circumstance to include the child in accordance with the NMC which states nurses are to preserve safety and work within the limits of their competence. The child is known to have been absent from school during the last week and would usually behave like that and gradually get back to school routine. So, I approached the child to speak and encourage joining up with the other children, but the child became overtly distress and face down crying. This situation didn’t help the other children waiting at the door as they started getting distracted and so I opted to swap with another colleague bearing in mind I may be a complete stranger to the child as it was my first time to meet with the child.

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However, as I walked off with the other children and colleague’s, I kept looking back and wondering how the child may have behaved if I was still there intervening with some songs as he enjoyed singing, I thought about myself as a stranger to the child, but at the same time I thought about the child’s individual needs, his physical development and gross motor skills to do some sports if not in the physical education room, within the same classroom. Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability Essay. However, I was very surprised when the child didn’t join the physical education lesson and the other colleague’s failed to take in to consideration the individual need of the other children who were waiting at the door as the distress caused to the other children each time they have to go out for physical education lessons was unnecessary because staff could handle the set child’s transition after the other children have left the room. This experience led to an increase in my understanding of children’s experiencing transition, and children’s developmental stages and behavours which are all unique. As a nurse, my role is to act in the best interest of the child to provide support to the child and the other colleagues working as a team, I was also able to access that the child was in a safe position, comfortable even though distressed and wrote that down in my notes. According to nursing times clinical (2004), people with learning disability often struggle with adapting to a new situation. Which means out of their comfort zones they can act differently. Nevertheless, as a nurse it is important to understand how to work in different fields of nursing and effectively interact, communicate with different people, ages and especially with learning disability. The NMC 2019 states Only through regular reflection can this understanding be achieved. Prior to the start of each lesson in a school-based placement it is advisable to have a plan for the children’s activities to meet the children’s individual needs. Such plans could include discussions about their progression, next steps, achievements, developmental goals. For holistic care and as expected, the NMC outlines the need to work together with a speech therapist, health visitor, occupational nurse, social worker to incorporate a child’s individual need verbally and non-verbally as forms of communication during the course of a child’s learning journey. For this experience, I am much mindful of the importance of adapting to children’s needs, interest and acting professionally by not feeling as though I couldn’t approach the child or ask questions from my colleague’s to clarify my understanding. If a similar situation was to come up again, I would act at the child’s best interest and suggest for some sport equipment’s to be taken into the class room for the child just before physical education sessions and gradually introduce one or two other children to attend sessions with the child to support the child’s transition from one activity to another and encourage play with other children as well. It will be a good idea to go back for a visit and see if this can be incorporated. This will show a strong working relationship between healthcare professionals and the school staff colleagues an increase group cohesiveness ( Rutkowski Gruder and Romer, 1983). My action plans are to: To be more proactive and research children and transitions and different methods to distract and gain interest of a child to support their learning. To understand different learning disabilities, specific needs and how to approach a child with learning disability. Communicate making sure confidentiality is adhered to. Understand Makaton, different communication methods and transfer nursing skills. Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability Essay. To continue professional reflective practice using Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model. This is a 2,000-word reflection. Using Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model, demonstrate critical understanding of the area of practice you chose as Safeguarding ( this is the Mental Health learning disability scenario above – please develop the scenario above) The reflection should include: • Title: Develop a title – reflecting the scenario, • which alternate area of nursing, this is Mental Health nursing • the area of practice this is Learning Disability • and your own field of nursing this is adult nursing • Briefly rationalise the relevance of reflection within healthcare, then follow the stages of Driscoll’s (2007) model of reflection. • Marks will be deducted on Presentation and Knowledge and Understanding if another reflective model (other than Driscoll’s (2007) model of reflection is applied in this assignment. • The overall structure of this assessment should consist of Introduction, Main Body and Summary. Referencing and research requirements Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online (http://www.citethemrightonline.com).

The Child Who Could Not Join Others in Physical Education: A Personal Reflection on a Mental Health Learning Disability Scenario Using the Driscoll Model of Reflection Cycle or Driscoll Cycle

The context of this reflection is that the author’s own filed of nursing is adult nursing, but reflecting on a practicum experience in the alternative area of nursing of mental health. The specific area of practice is learning disability. According to the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code and standards of practice, a professional nurse is not expected to intervene in an area in which they do not have competency (NMC 2015). Rather, they are supposed to enlist the help of a colleague with that specific competence in the spirit of interprofessional collaboration and teamwork. This will be demonstrated in the course of this reflection as that is exactly the course of action that the author took. In carrying out this reflection of the particular experience the author had with regard to learning disability in mental health nursing, the Driscoll model of reflection (also known as the Driscoll cycle) is used. This model of reflection was developed by John Driscoll and is concerned about three critical questions to which the reflection must provide answers – (i) what? (A description of what exactly happened), (ii) so what? (An analysis of what happened), and (iii) now what? (An anticipation or projection into future practice, according to what was been learnt from the experience). The first step or question requires a recall of what happened in an objective way without offering any critique. Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability Essay. The second question or step requires the author to state the moments of significance in the experience and what their feelings about it are. Lastly, the third step or question is about what needs to happen after the incident and what may be done to alter the situation (Josephine 2020; University of Cumbria 2016; Christaki 1998; Gladd n.d.; Nottingham n.d.). The relevance of reflection in healthcare is in the fact that it enables the healthcare professional doing the reflection to learn from the experience and think of ways in which they can do better in a similar situation in their future practice. In other words, reflection in healthcare allows learning to take place from practical situations. This paper is a reflection of a mental health nursing experience in a school for children with learning disabilities, using the Driscoll model of reflection introduced above.

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Step 1: What?

The motive of returning to this experience and reflecting on it is to learn from it and to be able to correct what may have been done in a better way were the incident to occur again. The author, having completed theoretical nursing education was placed for practical experience in a school for children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD (Sadock et al. 2015; APA 2013; Stahl 2013). These are children who have normal intellect but for some reason cannot read or perform arithmetic as well as their peers in the same age group and developmental stage. They are children that suffer from poor memory, inattention and inability to follow instructions, inability to carry out simple math operations, problems with reading and writing or both, disorganization, inability to tell time or disorientation, and general clumsiness. The children with such learning disabilities as those in the school in question are also known to be impulsive, to have problems adapting to situations, to have problems understanding directions or commands, to have problems being able to listen to what they are being told, to “act out” in social situations, to be distractible, and to be unable to express their thoughts (NIH 2018; Morrison & Cosden 1997; Forness & Kavale 1996). Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability Essay

The incident in question happened one day when the author and a colleague were taking the children in the school to a physical education class. There was one particular child who appeared not to follow the others to the physical education class as was supposed to be the case. This particular child appeared to fall on the floor and immediately started to cry, with his face facing downwards. It was a strange experience for the author whose field of nursing is adult nursing. Naturally, and being a nurse, the author approached the child and sought to find out what was the problem. However, the more the author talked to the child, the more he became agitated and cried. Following the NMC standards of practice (NMC 2015), the author decided to call a colleague who was more competent in mental health nursing and asked her to help with calming the child and getting them to go for the physical education class. The author took this action after carefully assessing the situation and noting that the other children were beginning to get distracted by the fallen child. In other words, the situation was going to get out of control. The colleague immediately took charge and made her own assessment, paying attention to the psychiatric-mental health scope and standards of practice (ANA 2014). She started to calm the child and talk to him in a psychotherapeutic way (Corey 2017; Corrigan 2016). It is during the process of swapping places with the colleague with mental health nursing competencies that the author learnt that it was not unusual for this particular child to act like this. She also learnt that the child had been absent from school for a period of one week and that he was expected to stop acting out soon as had been the case on previous occasions. The author then proceeded with the rest of the children to the physical education class. However, she did not see the child again in the physical education class but kept thinking about him and his needs. Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability Essay

Step 2: So What?

As this incident occurred, the author felt very inadequate, helpless, and incompetent. It was very frustrating to see that anything that they did had very little or no impact on the child; and that they even cried louder when the author attempted to get closer to them. The author also felt that they could have done something more to help the child. As a patient advocate, the author felt that they were supposed to find alternative ways of enabling the child to acquire motor skills just as his peers who had gone to the physical education class. Clearly, the feeling of the author now is that the staff at the school could have a better way of handling such a situation in the future. It was a surprise to the author when they did not see the child later with the others in the physical education class. The feeling now is that it is not only the child at the center of the incident who is affected, but also the other children who were witnessing the incident. The author now feels that more can be done to meet the needs of such a child without necessarily forcing them to attend the physical education class. It could be well that they did not enjoy the physical education class. But the author was able to establish that indeed the child enjoyed something else, which was singing. Even though the author felt at the time of the incident that they were complete strangers with the child, they are feeling now that they could have at least tried to calm down the child by singing for them their favourite songs. Maybe the child could have turned around and accompanied the rest to the physical education class after that. The author therefore feels that there is a need to adopt an individual approach to taking care of the children with learning disabilities in the concerned school. The feeling is that putting up measures to help each child integrate individually can go a long way in helping the children with learning disabilities cope. Driscoll Cycle Reflection on Learning Disability Essay

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