Discuss Evidence based practice in Nursing Education Essay Assignment Paper

Discuss Evidence based practice in Nursing Education Essay Assignment Paper

Discuss Evidence based practice in Nursing Education

Developmental Teaching Plan
The purpose of this paper is to discuss Evidence based practice in Nursing Education. This paper will define, for the reader, Learner Needs Assessment, Learning style, Readiness of the learner, and Goal development. After the implementation of EBP Nursing Education, Mrs. Patterson will learn about the importance of changing her diet how to choose healthier food options and how to reduce her sodium intake. This will help her reduce her blood pressure and aid in helping the patient meet their goal of feeling heathier.

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Mrs. Patterson is a 79 year old female patient in need of nursing education regarding a healthier and low sodium diet. The patient has expressed the want to learn more about a healthier diet and her family also express an interest in learning about the new diet as well. She lives at home in a two-bedroom apartment on second floor with her daughter who is in her 50’s and her granddaughter who is in her 30’s. She is 5”4 and weighs 92lbs. She has been a lifelong Smoker; 30 packs a year history, and currently smokes 15 cigarettes per day. She has been diagnosed with COPD, Atrial fibrillation, CHF, HTN, and Osteoporosis, CAD and had a Myocardial infarction 5 years ago and had a cardiac stent placed in the RCA. Her Ejection Fraction (EF) is 30%. Has a history of falls but has not broken any bones.

psychosocial vital signs (PVSs) It is a reliable assessment tool that combines the measurement of a client’s psychological experiences with the nurse’s observations of anxiety and human responses as part of a holistic view of the client’s health status (Spade & Mulhall, 2010; Spade, Fitzsimmons, & Houser, 2015). Assessment of learning styles can be accomplished using the VARK method (Fleming & Mills, 1992). This method categorizes learning styles into Visual, Auditory, Reading/ Writing, and Kinesthetic. Visual learners have a preference for seeing

and thinking in pictures. Auditory learners have a preference for learning materials through listening. Some learners prefer reading and writing as a style of learning. Kinesthetic learners have a preference to experience, move, touch, and do. Asking your client their preferred learning style aids the nurse educator in preparing a client education plan that supports individual learning (Miller & Stoeckel, 2019). Learner Health Assessment asks a series of questions to the individual to see a baseline of what they understand about their diagnosis and health. Learner Health Assessment Status Tool are usually structured screening and assessment tools used in primary care practices to help the health care team and patient develop a plan of care. Health assessment information can also help the health care team understand the needs of its overall population of patients. For Mrs. Patterson I would use the Learner health assessment because I want to see what pieces of her diagnosis and overall health she understands to see what material she understands and what she doesn’t. She did state that she is capable of learning in a multitude of ways so its just determining which way she is the most comfortable with.

Ms. Patterson is an older adult with completed 9th grade and a 5th-grade reading level; therefore, her ability to clearly understand information about treatment, how the information applies to her personally, to make choices and express herself has to be assessed (Miller & Stoeckel, 2019). She is very nervous about her diagnosis and wants to know why this happened how she can prevent it.

The three domains that have received the most attention in educational literature are the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956). Cognitive learning is concerned with intellectual activities such as thinking, remembering, reasoning, and using language (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2016). The affective domain deals with personal issues: attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and emotions (Krathwohl, Bloom, &

Masia, 1964). Psychomotor learning encompasses many physical procedures that individuals use in their activities of daily living and the complex physical activities required for work and recreation. It also includes learning physical skills and procedures applicable to healthcare delivery. Mrs.Patterson states she has learned better in the past by watching videos, discussions, and doing hands-on activities. The appropriateness for her learning style leans toward audiovisual resourcesalong with easy-to-understand brochures and written instructions

Readiness to learn in the adult is associated with the ability to meet the developmental tasks associated with each stage in life. Adults face real-life situations and want to learn whatever will help them cope with their present circumstances and evolving social roles (Miller &; Stoeckel, 2019). Readiness of the Learner or willingness to learn “is an aroused interest or expression of curiosity that occurs when the client makes conscious choice to learn” (Miller & Stoeckel, 2019, p. 98). Based on Ms. Patterson’s desire to understand why this happened, how she can prevent it, her capacity to follow some health care guidelines, and due to her physiological and developmental abilities (advanced age and limited academic education), her willingness to learn can be classified as level 2 meaning Client verbalizes some interest in health education but is easily distracted and unable to stay on the topic. Client is willing to follow some healthcare team directions. Client has limited physiologic or development abilities. (Miller & Stoeckel, 2019).

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purpose and goal as having essentially the same meaning (Webster’s, 2013) and believe the overall purpose and goal of health education is to promote, retain, and restore health. It involves the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of clients’ mental and physical well-being. (Miller & Stoeckel, 2019). The main goal for this educational plan is to teach Mrs. Patterson the importance of eating a healthier diet and understanding how to

cut down sodium. Diet is important for her due to the complications she is experiecing with her heart and hypertension and changing habits and understanding why certain foods are not healthy can help her to make better food choices thus helping her reduce her blood pressure which can bring a lot of positive outcomes with it. At the end of every lesson she will be asked to verbalize what she learned and also be given a small quiz to see where she needs additional understanding.

Cognitive learning makes it easier for you to connect new information with existing ideas thus deepening your memory and retention capacity. This is important for our client due to her age so we need to tie in her previous knowledge of food and introduce the information of how she can identify a low sodium food from a high sodium food. The ability to differentiate foods is going to be beneficial for Mrs. Patterson because she will be able to recognize whether its healthy or not by looking at the food itself and looking at its nutritional label. When she has all the information she needs to identify she will make better food choices thus loweing her blood pressure and putting her in a healthier state.

Affective learning has been defined as the learning that relates to the learner’s interests, attitudes, and motivations. This is especially true for our client who expresses the want to learn how to change her diet and her family expresses support in that idea. When a patient wants to learn about something it makes it easier for you to engage them and since the patient and her family want to learn the best method for them to is through group activity or discussion.

Teaching the patient and the family how to make diet changes helps the patient to become compliant and stay on their regimend because the family has involved themselves in the patients care and the patient feels less alone in making diet changes.

Psychomotor learning is the relationship between cognitive functions and physical movement. In this sector of learning the patient will be able to apply what she has learned about

high sodium diet and can apply the principals to individual foods. Mrs.Patterson will be able to see a particular food and be able to say whether it is healthy for her to eat or not. This is important because with diet one person can think a food is healthy because it appears to be but in reality not be. At the end of the lesson the patient will be able to teach back what was taught and demonstrate an understanding of how to read labels and be able to identify healthy foods from non healthy foods.

The strict adherene to diet changes will be beneficial for Mrs. Patterson as it will help her to live a healthier life for longer. A reduction in sodium and eating better is going to help her with her CHF and hypertension. She will be provided with information and educational materials appropriate to her learning styleto help her make the best decisions for her physical and mental well-being. Lastly, the nurse will ask Ms. Patterson to verbalize her understanding of the comprehensive treatment before she is being discharged from the hospital. Before she leaeves it is important to establish an understanding from her and her family to establish if they need any further teaching.

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