Discuss anxiety effective and ineffective interventions  Essay Assignment paper

Discuss anxiety effective and ineffective interventions  Essay Assignment paper

Discuss anxiety effective and ineffective interventions  Essay Assignment paper

Discuss anxiety effective and ineffective interventions, and stress management. Please include the following in your initial posting: Describe a client from your clinical setting or work who experienced severe anxiety or panic. Include a brief history and three most pertinent medications. Describe the assessment process for this patient. Identify at least one effective and one non-effective nursing intervention. Why did they work? What didn\’t work? Name and describe two stress reduction techniques you have used and whether they were helpful or not in reducing stress. Therapeutic Interventions for Clients with Severe Anxiety or Panic Essay

Therapeutic Interventions for Clients with Severe Anxiety

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Discuss anxiety effective and ineffective interventions  Essay Assignment paper

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Various conditions are presented to the clinical facility. This paper will focus on a client with severe anxiety. It will include the assessment and interventions.

Mr. X, 34 years old African American, was presented to the healthcare facility last week. He was sweating and breathing rapidly. Additionally, the client revealed that he had been restless in the previous week. His level of concentration had declined significantly, and he was experiencing racing or unwanted thoughts. Furthermore, he reported having experienced insomnia, palpitations, and nausea for the previous three days. He stated that he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2010. Additionally, he said that he has been using stimulants for the last five years.

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