Difference Between PhD & DNP in Nursing Essay Assignment Paper

Difference Between PhD & DNP in Nursing Essay Assignment Paper

Difference Between PhD & DNP in Nursing Essay Assignment Paper

According to Duke University’s School of Nursing website, the comparison between a DNP and PHD in nursing is a simple one. The DNP is a doctorate of nursing practice whereas the PHd is a doctorate of research. The DNP is focused on interpreting research for the purposes of using those research findings in the clinical setting to benefit patients and staff who may work underneath them. The PHd is more focused on preparing the student to conduct research on their own and prepare that research in a way that It can be used by those who work in the clinical setting (Duke University School of Nursing, 2018).

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If I were to ever continue on to the doctorate level, my focus would be the DNP route. There have been many changes in my preferences as I have moved through my short career in the medical field but I can say with the utmost confidence that I love patient interaction. The DNP being a more focused on clinical application is the route that would allow me to continue doing what I love and working with the patients. I do see that research is extremely important in the ever changing medical field and I am so grateful for those who put in that kind of work however, I just don’t see myself ever looking for that kind of work.

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