Diabetes Mellitus non-insulin dependent Essay Assignment paper

Diabetes Mellitus non-insulin dependent Essay Assignment paper

Diabetes Mellitus non-insulin dependent Essay Assignment paper

Case study : Mr. Perez is recently diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus non-insulin dependent.

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The APRN will be assigned a conflict case scenario by faculty where the nurse practitioner’s student must assess and implement an action plan for management. The APRN student will work in a clinical group, discuss how to initiate a plan of action in resolving the clinical issue and present a PowerPoint presentation. No more than 10 slides

case scenario

Mr. Perez is recently diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus non-insulin dependent. On your follow up visit your patient acknowledged he is not following your treatment recommendation because he does not believe he suffers from diabetes and even if affected with diabetes, the treatment affects his way of life. How you will target this conflict with your patient?

Use the reference included with this scenario, and the assignment rubrics

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