Detecting Cancer At Its Earliest Stages Essay Assignment Paper

Detecting Cancer At Its Earliest Stages Essay Assignment Paper

Detecting Cancer At Its Earliest Stages Essay Assignment Paper

Cancer cases are on a steep ascent. World Health Organization (WHO) has attributed cancer as being culpable for almost one in six deaths globally. In the report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) by WHO it is estimated that in two decades, 22 million people will be diagnosed annually worldwide. Owing to these statistics, it is imperative to devise a plan which focuses to treat cancer in its initial stages.

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This is achievable if cancer is diagnosed at its earliest by screening high risk patients.

Lung cancer is ranked number one for mortality, followed by colon and breast cancer as the second and third leading causes respectively. Various techniques including blood test, X-ray, mammography, colonoscopy, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and ultrasonography are employed for diagnosis and prognosis of the disease. However, the final determination of cancer is made by biopsy from the specific tissue. Nonetheless, biopsy being an invasive procedure carries a risk of bleeding which in turn can precipitate mortality. In instances of the diseased areas being patchy, it is also possible to overlook small lesions. Therefore, with preferment in medical science, a novel approach has unfolded which is based on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in breath.

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