Describe the moral dimension as Kant understood it Essay Assignment Paper

Describe the moral dimension as Kant understood it Essay Assignment Paper

Describe the moral dimension as Kant understood it Essay Assignment Paper

Why did Kant think it necessary to posit the existence of the noumenal world?

How does Kant answer Hume’s bundle theory of the self? Do you think he is successful?

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Describe the moral dimension as Kant understood it Essay Assignment Paper

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Describe the moral dimension as Kant understood it.

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For Kant, how does willing X differ from wanting X, and why is this distinction important?

What is a maxim? What makes a maxim moral in Kantian terms?PHIL REFLECTION6 Noumenal World

chapter 12:

What is “the Malthusian Universe”?

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What was Mill’s crisis? How did it affect his subsequent philosophizing?

How does Mill account for the predominance of lower pleasures? Do you agree? Why?

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