Deep Vein Thrombosis  Essay Assignment paper

Deep Vein Thrombosis  Essay Assignment paper

Deep Vein Thrombosis  Essay Assignment paper

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a result of blood clots or thrombus formation of in deep veins and frequently occurs in limbs (Boyd, 2015). When the thrombus development occurs in lungs, it is referred to as pulmonary embolism (PE), which is one of the most serious complications of associated with ~40% DVT patients. Disability and chronic pain caused by recurrent DVT may lead to long-term health effects. These health conditions include, recurrent episodes of DVT (Cowell et al., 2016), post-phlebitic syndrome (PPS) (Nayak & Vedantham, 2012), post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) (Prandoni et al., 2016), venous thromboembolism (VTE) (Nordstrom et al., 2015) as well as bleeding and high mortality in many patients (Verso et al., 2012).Deep Vein Thrombosis Assignment

Raising the awareness of DVT and associated conditions in patients and caregivers, development of prevention approaches, enhancement of methods for patient education and improvement of patient information materials such as handouts are essential to facilitate the proper care of the DVT patients and prevention of future health threats. Using a case study on a 74-yearold patient, Mrs. Dorothy Beecham, who was admitted to the hospital with DVT and many other complications, a patient care plan executed by a nurse is described in this review.

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