Cultural Diversity in Nursing Practices Essay Assignment Paper

Cultural Diversity in Nursing Practices Essay Assignment Paper

Cultural Diversity in Nursing Practices Essay Assignment Paper

With the outbreak of migration, globalization, and rapid growth of the minority population, nursing practices urgently need to re-examine the role of cultural diversity in workplace. The awareness of cultural diversity is crucial for any branch of nursing practice. Nursing needs of culturally diverse patients would not be met if one prefers to implement ethnocentric approaches in his routine activities. Considering the importance of this rather completed issue, this paper aims at analyzing this phenomenon and providing few advices as to how increase one’s cultural competences and awareness.Cultural Diversity in Nursing Essay

Cultural Diversity in Nursing Practices

Cultural diversity in nursing practices is examined by few fields of science including cross-cultural health disciplines, psychology, sociology, and nursing in particular (Bednarz, Shim, & Doorenbos, 2010). The term culture is defined rather broadly. It mainly refers to the values, customs, and beliefs which significantly impact the life of their holders. In its turn, cultural diversity encompasses differences that exist in ideologies and cultures. It might manifest in behavioral patterns, symbols transmitted through several generations, which actually might be intentionally achieved by human communities. The historically derived ideas as well as values make the essential core of any culture and serve as criteria for distinguishing one culture from the other (Bednarz, Shim, & Doorenbos, 2010).

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