CTU Leadership and Ethical Decision Making in Healthcare

CTU Leadership and Ethical Decision Making in Healthcare essay assignment

CTU Leadership and Ethical Decision Making in Healthcare essay assignment


Your health care organization has decided to undergo a major restructuring to better align with the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010. You have been tasked with developing a managed care organization (MCO) and health maintenance organization (HMO) that will have as its core mission the ethical treatment of patients in their health care needs. Discuss the following in a double-spaced paper of 3–4 pages:

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CTU Leadership and Ethical Decision Making in Healthcare

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  • Define and propose what structure your MCO/HMO will use to maximize the ethical delivery of health care to your patients.
  • Research the library and other resources detailing best practices in MCO/HMO structuring to defend your answer.

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