Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness Essay Assignment Paper

Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness Essay Assignment Paper

Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness Essay Assignment Paper

This assignment would introduce the ‘Speak Up Initiatives’, which is an patient safety program, developed in order to help the patients to promote their safety and thereby, health and wellbeing by pro-actively taking responsibility of their healthcare (“Speak Up Campaigns | Joint Commission”, 2016). The title of the brochure is ‘Speak Up Campaigns’, published in the year 2016 and the information would benefit each and every readers or visitors of this particular website, which may include patients, common people, medical professionals, nonmedical professionals and so on.

National patient safety goals assignment

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Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness Essay Assignment Paper

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National patient safety goals refer to the set of objectives that are crucial to attain for the well-being of the patients residing in a country. Here, patient safety can be viewed as protecting patients from probable infections, diseases and other risks. Here, it is important to note that identifying patients correctly, improving staff communications, improving safety with use of medication, reducing healthcare related infections, preventing fall of patients and eliminating other risks to patients can be considered as some of the vital aspects of national patient safety goals. In other words, the national healthcare system is subject to various errors however patient safety goals seek to reduce such errors thereby ensuring improved healthcare services to the patients to reduce overall risks Concepts of Health Promotion and Illness

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