Comparison and Research Design

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Comparison and Research Design essay assignment

As a leader in special education, it may be up to you to direct and support those who desire to conduct scientific investigations. You are more likely to be successful if you have not only mastered the concepts, but also are able to communicate them effectively and tailor your support to be consistent with the specific interests of the stakeholders you are addressing.

For this Assignment, you will apply your knowledge and skills relative to experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational research approaches to the development of a presentation for community members.

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Comparison and Research Design

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To prepare:

·Review all module Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the characteristics of experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational research designs. Think about how you might communicate the similarities and differences of each design to community stakeholders.

·Consider the following scenario:

oA special education committee in your school district is interested in studying the effectiveness of a particular intervention. You have been asked to create a presentation to provide the committee with background information on the three types of quantitative studies they could use to study this intervention. Additionally, your presentation needs to compare the approaches for the committee in a concise, accurate, and meaningful way.


Create a 12–15 slide presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) to inform a special education committee at your school district that is interested in studying the effectiveness of an intervention about the three quantitative research designs (i.e., experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational). Consider the following as you develop your presentation:

·How do the designs differ?

·What elements do the designs share?

·What does each design contribute to the field of special education?

·How could validity threats be minimized for each of the designs?


Cite and compare experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlation study examples that further highlights each of these methodologies for your audience.

Support your presentation with specific reference to the Learning Resources, outside resources, and personal experience.

Note: For this Assignment and all scholarly writing in this course and throughout your program, you will be required to use APA style (6th edition). Please use the Walden Writing Center as a resource as you complete assignments.

Note: Since you will not be presenting your work in class, you may use the Notes feature to script out commentary for each slide or develop a narrated presentation.

Required Readings

Florian, L. (Ed.). (2014). The SAGE handbook of special education (2nd ed.). London, England: Sage.

  • Chapter 22, “The Applied Science of Special Education: Quantitative Approaches, the Questions They Address, and How They Inform Practice”(pp. 369–388)

    Focus on quantitative designs and why they are key for research in the field of SPED

Rumrill, P. D., Cook, B. G., & Stevenson, N. A. (2020). Research in special education: Designs, methods, and applications (3rd ed.). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, LTD.

  • Chapter 6, “Quantitative Research Designs” (pp. 113–147)

    Focus on the spectrum of relationship and descriptive studies. Note correlational designs and causal comparative studies. Develop an understanding of surveys, case studies, program evaluation, archival research, longitudinal studies, empirical literature reviews, and meta-analysis.