Community Reflection Paper

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Community Reflection Paper essay assignment

After you have read the assigned readings, write a brief paper (no more than 500 words) in which you reflect on the various communities of which you are a part and how these affect your health, positively and negatively. Remember, the word community can be used to describe a great deal more than the geographic “community” or town that you reside in.

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Community Reflection Paper

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Be sure to read chapter 1 in your textbook before writing your paper – particularly note the sections related to the definition and description of “community.” Your communities might include your ethnic community, social community, occupational community, neighborhood community, etc. For example, you may be part of a nursing community (occupational) – you would describe how this community affects your health. You might also be a part of a church community, school community, sports community, hobby enthusiast community, etc. Give this some thought before you begin to write your paper!

This assignment is to be written in APA format

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