Communicable Disease: Influenza Research Essay Assignment paper

Communicable Disease: Influenza Research Essay Assignment paper

Communicable Disease: Influenza Research Essay Assignment paper

There are generally a lot of diseases, people suffer from, they all have various symptoms, various complications and consequences. Some of them are hereditary, others could be passed from one individual to another. The latest are usually known under the name communicable diseases. Communicable disease is thus defined as a disease, which is spread from one person to another via a number of ways, including for example by breathing in, by contacting with blood, by being bitten or any other way. Usually separate attention is paid to reporting of all the cases of communicable disease, with the aim of further planning of the prevention measures and seizing the control over the situation.Communicable Disease: Influenza Research Paper


Concrete states of health are included into the list of communicable diseases and one of the brightest and most well known to all people is influenza or

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flu. It is hardly possible to find an individual, who had never had flu in his

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life and this is the reason, why most individuals perceive it as a usual thing in everyday life. In reality, most of them are missing a lot of information about the complications and possible consequences of this disease and this is the reason, why governments and health care facilities should keep the situation under their strict control. Influenza is defined as “an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus with  mild to severe symptoms, including:  a high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing, and feeling tired and such complications as viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and worsening of previous health problems such as asthma or heart failure” (Nordqvist, 2016, p. 23).

The name of this disease comes from the Italian, where it means “influence” and roots from the initial idea about the cause of this disease, which was described as astrological. Later on it was modified along with new scientific research data and meant “influence of cold”.Communicable Disease: Influenza Research Paper

Taking into consideration those facts that there are several types of viruses and that all of them are easily spread through the air, when a sick person is sneezing or coughing, there are certain measures, which need to be secured in order to avoid pandemics of influenza.


For the first time the symptoms of influenza by humans were in detail presented by Hippocrates around 2.400 years ago already. This disease is most luckily to have spread from Europe to America during the process of colonization. A lot of indigenous people died from en epidemic of influenza in 1493. Historically there were several severe outbreaks of the disease, for example in Spain in 1918, when millions of people died. Thus specialists in the modern world insist upon vaccination and other simple preventive measures. According to the World Health Organization the influenza vaccine is important for certain categories of people, elderly and children, also those, who have chronic illnesses. “Evidence supports a lower rate of influenza-like illness in many groups who are immunocompromised such as those with: HIV/AIDS, cancer, and post organ transplant. In those at high risk immunization may reduce the risk of heart disease.[101] Whether immunizing health care workers affects patient outcomes is controversial with some reviews finding insufficient evidence and others finding tentative evidence.” (Nordqvist, 2016, p 38).

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