Case Study Computerized Health Information

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Case Study Computerized Health Information essay assignment


Floribama Hospital just learned that their current EHR will no longer be supported by the IS vendor starting in two years. In the hospital’s rush to select an IS, it decided to take some short cuts. These short cuts included:

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Case Study Computerized Health Information

specifically for you.

• Creating a committee of only three people to select the system

• Not going on a site visit

• Not performing systems analysis

• Deferring planning until after the contract is signed

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This was the recommendation of the chief executive officer of the healthcare facility. The logic behind his recommendation to defer planning was that there will be some time after the contract is signed but before the software is available, so the planning can fill in this time period. The contact was signed yesterday so the planning is ready to commence

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Use this worksheet to provide your written responses for the assignment.
  2. Make yourself familiar with the Computerized Health Records Writing rubric.
  3. Provide a well thought out summary response in your own words for the case study assignment.
  4. Use your textbook chapter so that you fully understand the assignment and respond appropriately.
    In addition, you may use the internet when you want to expand further on your learning.
  5. At the end of your summary, note references used (textbook: page numbers.  Internet:  web address providing a link to the specific information you used.)
  6. Submit to the Chapter 4 Case Study Assignment Folder by Sunday, September 23, 2018 11:59pm


Chapter 4 Case Study:  Floribama Hospital just learned that their current EHR will no longer be supported by the IS vendor starting in two years. In the hospital’s rush to select an IS, it decided to take some short cuts. These short cuts included:

• Creating a committee of only three people to select the system

• Not going on a site visit

• Not performing systems analysis

• Deferring planning until after the contract is signed

This was the recommendation of the chief executive officer of the healthcare facility. The logic behind his recommendation to defer planning was that there will be some time after the contract is signed but before the software is available, so the planning can fill in this time period. The contact was signed yesterday so the planning is ready to commence.

Case Study QuestionStudent Summary
Question 1:  How did Floribama Hospital violate the concepts discussed in the chapter?
Question 2:  Identify the planning that Floribama should undertake.