Cardiovascular Disease Essay Assignment paper

Cardiovascular Disease Essay Assignment paper

Cardiovascular Disease Essay Assignment paper

A cardiovascular disease is a disease which is caused as a result of an excess accumulation of plague inside the walls of large blood vessels and therefore limiting the flow of blood. In many incidences, cardiovascular disease is caused by atherosclerosis. Since this disease is not caused by a pathogen, it cannot spread from one person to another because it is non-infectious.Cardiovascular Disease Essay Sample Cardiovascular diseases have been known to be the largest killers in the world accounting for 17.1 deaths in a single year, s and as a result of this; various antioxidants have been developed in order to curb it. An antioxidant is any molecule or substance which is capable of preventing or slowing the oxidation of another substance or chemical. An antioxidant can therefore be an enzyme (proteins) or nutrients (minerals and vitamins) which play a vital role in prevention of the development of chronic illnesses such as stroke, cancer, cataracts, Rheumatoid arthritis and heart diseases. One of the known antioxidant that has been known to decrease lab values in cardiovascular diseases is Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant which is topically applied as skin cream or oil or taken internally as a capsule (Association of Food Technologists, 2005, p. 75).

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Vitamin E works by preventing or slowing oxidation. Vitamin E is a generic term refereeing to the 8 entities which exhibit biological acts of the Isomer tocopherol. The most common isomer which is available is known as Alpha-tocopherol which has the strongest effect and the highest bio-potency in the human body. Vitamin E is an example of an antioxidant nutrient which is very vital in controlling the damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E is unique in its antioxidant function and its structure. Oxidation is the damage caused from oxygen by free radicals which may lead to the dysfunctioning of the cells and therefore leading to the onset of diabetes and heart illnesses. Using Vitamin E as an antioxidant helps in lowering the risk for cancer and other infections. Alpha-tocopherol, being fat soluble, is uniquely able to safeguard the cell membranes which are mostly composed of fatty acids from being damaged by free radicals. It is also known for its ability in protecting the fats available in the LDLs (Low density Lipoproteins) or the bad cholesterol from oxidation. Generally, Vitamin E is an antioxidant which is responsible for preventing propagation of free radicals (Demand Media, 2011).

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