Bell’s palsy Medicine Essay Assignment paper

Bell’s palsy Medicine Essay Assignment paper

Bell’s palsy Medicine Essay Assignment paper

Bell’s palsy is a condition of the eye and a facial paralysis which is caused by failure of the facial nerve to function properly. Consequently, a person is unable to shut or control the muscles of the face which are in charge of the motion of the mouth and eyes. The accurate cause of this condition is not known; however, facial paralysis is associated with a number of other conditions such as Lyme disease, stroke, and brain tumor. In the absence of these other facial paralysis-causing conditions, the condition will be diagnosed as Bell’s palsy. Bell’s palsy was named after Charles Bell, a Scottish physician generally known for detecting and describing this condition. Charles Bell asserted that Bell’s palsy was the most frequent acute mononeuropathy condition, due to the paralysis of one nerve.Bell’s palsy Medicine Essay Sample


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Bell’s palsy is characterized by rapid onset of complete and sometimes partial palsy, which sometimes just starts overnight. According to Lockhart, in less than one percent of the diagnosed cases, the condition occurs bilaterally, causing paralysis on all sides of the face. As a result, the sufferer is prone to have a total paralysis of the face. The sudden paralysis or weakness on the affected side leads to drooping of one side of the face. Drooping has been considered as the main symptom of the condition causing the victim, to be incapable of shutting his or her eye(s) on the affected part of the face. Besides drooping, other symptoms of Bell’s palsy include loss of appetite and numerous eye problems counting dry and tearing eye(s). The victim may also feel pain in or behind the ear, experience numbness around the affected side, and may become more sensitive to sound.Bell’s palsy Medicine Essay Sample

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