Assignment: Healthcare Organizations Roles in the US Healthcare

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Assignment: Healthcare Organizations Roles in the US Healthcare essay assignment

Assignment Details

There are various healthcare organizations that play a role in the U.S. Healthcare System. You are to choose an organization from the list below and research the following information:

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Assignment: Healthcare Organizations Roles in the US Healthcare

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1. The mission statement or statement of purpose of the organization.

2. Describe the activities/responsibilities of the organization. Does it support their mission statement?

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3. Describe the importance of the organization to U.S. Healthcare.

4. Analyze and discuss current research being conducted by this organization (at least three current studies being performed).

5. Identify areas that need improvement, additional support (i.e., funding, research, patient participation), and suggestions for improvement.


You are to write a 10-15 page paper regarding the organization (choose one organization from the list below) using 8-10 peer reviewed articles. You will submit components of your paper throughout the course and the final version of you paper will be due at the end of week 8. Your paper must follow APA format. I have attached a sample APA paper for your review.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

The Joint Commission

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

American Medical Association