Assignment: Forensic Biology

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Assignment: Forensic Biology essay assignment

Forensic biology is a scientific method of examining, testing, and probing evidence from a crime scene investigation. When you review the history of forensics, you see that there are varying timelines. The history, as compiled by the American College of Forensic Examiners, began as early as the 4,000 BCE. The modern association of forensic biology has been developed into many subdivisions such as toxicology, pathology, anthropology, and odontology, just to name a few.

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Assignment: Forensic Biology

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Address the following in your main post:
In your own words, what is the definition of forensic biology? Explain.
Which of the major subfields do you feel is the most important to forensic biology? Explain.
Examples can include serology, entomology, odontology, etc.
If you must select 1, which of the following developmental stages of forensic biology do you feel is the most important to the field? Explain why.
Antigen polymorphism
Protein polymorphism
DNA polymorphism
How might each of the above be used in an investigation to clear or convict a criminal? Provide 1 example for each.