Assessment and Diagnosis Essay Assignment paper

Assessment and Diagnosis Essay Assignment paper

Assessment and Diagnosis Essay Assignment paper

Discuss the need for crisis management when working with a client.
Assignment: Assessment and Diagnosis

Assignment: Assessment and Diagnosis

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Assessment and Diagnosis Essay Assignment paper

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Write a paper that addresses the following:

A definition of screening, assessment, and treatment plan
Discuss the need for crisis management when working with a client.
What is the assessment process for identifying addictive disorders?
What considerations must be made for choosing an appropriate assessment tool?
A general overview of the substance use disorder criteria according to the DSM
A discussion about the potential problems that can arise when a counselor relies solely on the diagnostic criteria listed in the DSM for treatment planning
Include at least two examples of commonly used substance use disorder assessment tools.
Include a minimum of two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.
When writing the paper, consider using the following level-one APA headings to help organize the content:

Crisis Management
Assessment Process
General Overview of Criteria
Potential Problems
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Definition. Psychological assessment is the process of gathering and evaluating data about a patient’s symptoms, mental state, behaviors, and background. Using these data, a diagnosis of the disease or disorder is made.

The purpose of psychological assessment is to reduce and organize the data concerning a patient so that a diagnosis and recommendation for a course of treatment can be made. The psychological assessment (also called the biopsychosocial or psychiatric assessment) gathers information to diagnose any mental disorder that the person may have; it is the first step in treating a diagnosed disorder. The process typically starts with a chief complaint or presenting problem—this is usually what prompts the person to seek help. A complete psychological assessment should include:

biopsychosocial history
neurological assessment
psychological testing (if applicable)
physical examination (if required by a psychiatrist)
brain imaging (if necessary)

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