ASE-C-POP framework

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ASE-C-POP framework essay assignment

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ASE-C-POP framework

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You will research and identify any actual/potential medication issues and create a plan to solve these issues using the ASE-C-POP framework. It is suggested you read the following article, as it will assist you in understanding the aspects of this framework:


Your submission MUST use the ASE-C-POP chart template provided to you in the group assignment folder blackboard:

Chart Specifications:

·       Your submission must fit into the two-page framework using the following specifications:

·       Margins must be kept at the set size within template provided

·       Times New Roman Font

·       No smaller than 11-point font size

·       You MAY resize the individual sections, e.g. if you require more space for your therapeutic plan, that cell can be made larger – as long as the ENTIRE chart fits on two A4 pages (this does NOT include your references)

·       QUT NUMBERED REFERENCING MUST BE USED – please access instructions of how to use this referencing style via the library.