An older male patient has a screening PSA which is 12 ng/m Essay Assignment Paper

An older male patient has a screening PSA which is 12 ng/m Essay Assignment Paper

An older male patient has a screening PSA which is 12 ng/m Essay Assignment Paper

An older male patient reports urinary frequency, back pain, and nocturia. A dipstick urinalysis reveals hematuria. What will the provider do next to evaluate this condition?

2) An older male patient has a screening PSA which is 12 ng/ml. What does this value indicate?

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An older male patient has a screening PSA which is 12 ng/m Essay Assignment Paper

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3) A male patient reports nocturia and daytime urinary frequency and urgency without changes in the force of the urine stream. What is the likely cause of this?

4) A 70-year-old male reports urinary hesitancy, post void dribbling, and a diminished urine stream. A digital rectal exam reveals an enlarged prostate gland that feels rubbery and smooth. Which tests will the primary care provider order based on these findings?

5) The provider orders the oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor sildenafil to treat erectile dysfunction in a 65-year-old male patient. What will be included when teaching this patient about taking this medication? Select all that apply.

6) Which is true about hypoactive sexual desire in older men?

7) A young adult male reports a dull pain in the scrotum and the provider notes a bluish color showing through the skin on the affected side.

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