African American Case Study Essay Assignment Paper

African American Case Study Essay Assignment Paper

African American Case Study Essay Assignment Paper

African American Case Study
The organizational structure of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Evans is a nuclear family structure. A nuclear family structure is important in that it upholds the discipline and virtues of children and other adults. Children in a nuclear family also have the capacity to develop customized personalities as they are often guided by the adults on how to interact and socialize with other individuals. There also exists the aspect of financial stability, as an existing team can sufficiently avail resources for survival as opposed to individuals living independently. With the situation of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Evans, where most adults have limited income, it is considered advantageous to live as a nuclear family. Children who live in nuclear families are also often guaranteed to develop effective communication skills while also having social, emotional and physical health. There, however, exists limitations of the nuclear family structure and one of them includes burnout. Burnout might be in relation to financial provisions or even physical provisions such as care. In most instances, mothers tend to be affected by burnouts as they are expected to always outperform themselves (Spring, 2016). Compounding stereotypes, a child-centered environment and also a small support system constitute other limitations of a nuclear family structure.
The family’s values about education often involve the need for the existence of strong family bonds and an existing stable family structure for the emotional well-being and development of school going children. The family unit is, therefore, vital in developing values to the children and this is necessary for their healthy and successful upbringing. The lack of existing values can lead to aspects such as teen pregnancy, drug abuse and also suicide. In a nuclear family structure, spirituality exists as a bonding factor and one that promotes aspects such as individual quality of life. The existence of spirituality is, therefore, essential as the family members possess a general feeling of wellbeing and positive social involvement amongst themselves (Spring, 2016). Spirituality is directly linked with the aspects of the physical well-being of individuals, the emotional well-being of the family members, the social well-being of the family members, the productive well-being and the civic well-being of family members. By analyzing the situation in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Evans, it is practical to assume that the inclusion of spirituality aspects might be of great importance to the improvement of their current livelihood. Religious and spiritual practices that the family may engage in for treating their existing ailments might include; prayers and meditation.
Cultural views are often responsible for the varying definitions of mental illness and the medication process. In the case of Mr. and Mrs. Evans, the case of mental illness is manageable and this can be attributed to their deep understanding of the condition owing to their proper educational backgrounds. In their capacity, they have, therefore, opted to live with their child Dorothy as she might have challenges which might hinder her successful independence (Franklin, 2015). Environmental hazards are inevitable for the family of Mr. and Mrs. Evans. With consideration of the proximity of the Superfund and the nearby chemical plant sites, it is a possibility that the contaminated areas might have found their way into other nearby farms. Plants and food planted in nearby farms might be, therefore, contaminated with the chemicals and this might pose a risk to all community members who might end up buying food from these farms. Risks from such exposures might include terminal illnesses like cancer and also respiratory problems due to emissions from the chemical plants.
With consideration of the Evans family being a native African American family, the aspect of an individual becoming an organ donor can erupt conflict and dispute amongst the family. African American families are known to hold negative cultural and religious beliefs that highly discourage the act of individuals donating their organs. The Evans family might, therefore, find itself disputing the decision of Susan becoming an organ donor. To back up this claim, it is well known that African Americans are against the aspect of completing advanced directives and often prefer to live in uncertainty of their future. Dietary risks for African Americans might include; heart disease/stroke and hypertension; and this can be attributed to their eating habits and lifestyles (Franklin, 2015). The consideration of the skin of African Americans might include the aspects of constitutive or facultative skin color. Notable characteristics to consider might include complexion, skin tone, texture and hair color. Native African Americans tend to believe that taking pictures during pregnancy can facilitate a stillbirth, while also some foods are prohibited as they might affect the health of the unborn baby.

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Appalachian Case Study
The Appalachians during the 1960s were immersed in intense poverty and often secluded themselves in the Appalachian regions. At the time, there was a defined large income disparity between the Appalachians and the rest of the citizens. The central and southern regions of the Appalachian territory received an increased number of residents owing to migrations during the 1980s. In the 1990s, the northern Appalachian region lost an estimated 1% due to migration while the central region lost an estimated 2.5%. The southern region at the same time also witnessed a loss of 4.6% of its population (Dillingham, 2015).

African American Case Study
Autonomy in the workforce often refers to the freedom availed to employees. The Appalachians are known to be in constant isolation and this is evident from the historical analysis of their culture. They are known to isolate themselves from most aspects of life and this can be advantageous in the workforce through the implementation of autonomy. Autonomy facilitates independence and has been known to improve their well-being and job satisfaction in a working environment. A deeper analysis of the nature of the Appalachians of being isolative also depicts the existence of high-risk behaviors that can often cause more harm than good. One such behavior is continued negligence of reliance on new forms of medicine to cure existing ailments. The Appalachians are known to be rigid and conservative and this is evident with their overdependence on herbal medicines to treat diseases as opposed to relying on existing modern medicine. Poor diets and overuse of drugs such as tobacco are also high-risk behaviors depicted by the Appalachians (Dillingham, 2015). It is, therefore, factual that ignorance and cultural beliefs play a vital role in hindering the provision of proper healthcare to the people living in Appalachia. There also exists the aspect of lack of education. Limited exposure to education still poses as a challenge to the successful implementation of healthcare policies and adoption for the people living in Appalachia. In the case of Mrs. Kapp, she needs to be educated on her condition, what caused it and how it can be managed. By educating her, she will be then educated on the importance of medicine and how it can help her recover and stop suffering. Mrs. Kapp should also be educated on the implications of failing to take the prescribed medicine and what would happen if the disease approaches the terminal stage. Regarding the home remedies, the doctor should consider them and critically examine their importance to the health of Mrs. Kapp. By doing this, the doctor can recommend some remedies that may supplement the existing prescriptions or even discourage the use of the remedies if they are going to expose Mrs. Kapp to unexpected risks.
The nurse should take time to provide maternal education to Ruth and educate her on the need for a healthy upbringing of her children. The nurse should, therefore, explain the need for vaccination and other procedural medical practices that are necessary for ensuring the quality of health of children is upheld. While switching to modern medicine might take time, as a nurse, it is essential to also understand the importance of some herbal medicines that might have been used by the Appalachians for centuries. Analysis of the home remedies should result in positive or negative criticism of the same and this would ensure that as a nurse, due diligence on the safety of existing home remedies is conducted (Obermiller, 2016). As a nurse, therefore, the recommendation of home remedies as a supplement to the existing prescriptions can suffice. Relying on the thinking of a nurse, it is possible that Mrs. Kapp will return next week and the reason for this is due to her noticing improvements after taking the prescribed medicine. If she, however, fails to return, it would be necessary to do a follow-up on her through calls or even visiting her in her home.
A mother always has the love for her children and no mother would ever wish the worst for their children. In the case of Ruth, it is highly possible that she will keep the appointments for her and her daughter due to the love she has for them and the desire for them to have a better future. Mr. Kapp should also be educated on the need for continuous health assessments owing to his age. He should be educated on age-related ailments and how to take care of them (Obermiller, 2016). To encourage him to go for health assessment, organizing full family health checkups would encourage him to tag along and get assessed too. The Kapp family should be, therefore, educated on the necessity and advantages of modern health services and their efficiency. Another additional service should be to conduct tests for the whole family and discuss the nature of demographic diseases such as high blood pressure. The family should also be educated on the need for healthy living and this might include proper dieting and regular checkups. Following up can be facilitated by the act of scheduling family checkups for the whole Kapp family. Regarding Ruth’s daughter and her frequent bouts of diarrhea, she should ensure that necessary tests are conducted and medicine prescribed for her daughter. These will ensure that the condition her daughter is experiencing is controlled before it becomes fatal.

African American Case Study

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